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Many Indiana residents get their tax bill and think their property taxes are too high and wonder what they can do about it. They can find out from the Assessor’s office or their Property Record Card what their assessed value is. In the past few years due largely to the national economic down turn many property values may have decreased and the Assessor may not have decreased the assessed value at the same pace. Taxes are calculated off of the assessed value. If you think your assessed value is higher than the actual market value of your home you can appeal. Why pay taxes on an inaccurate assessed value. Nobody wants to pay more taxes than required to. Appealing your taxes is not that hard. You can find out more about this at the Indiana Government site on tax appeals: Most people would need to fill out a Form 130 and submit it on a timely basis (usually within 45 days of when they receive Notice of you assessment.) Many people are fearful of appealing; not knowing what to do. People typically need to bring evidence to support their claim that their property assessment is too high. The Indiana Board of Tax Appears website says "Even though the law says an appraisal is not required, the Indiana Tax Court has ruled that "the most effective method to rebut the presumption that an assessment is correct is through the presentation of a market value-in-use appraisal, completed in conformance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)." If the appraisal shows your market value is less than your assessed value then you have justification or ammunition/evidence for the appeal.

Posted in:General
Posted by Roy Gouwens on February 2nd, 2011 3:44 PMLeave a Comment

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